In exactly 32 days...
I would have celebrated...
The life of a princess...
On your second birthday...
In exactly 32 days...
I am left instead...
With honouring...
Your second memorial birthday...
A day that would have included tiaras...
Dress up...
Pretty pink shoes...
Magic wands...
And likely a tea party...
Is now a day to fundraise...
Fundraise for families like ours...
Who have their world turned upside down...
When their child becomes ill...
And fights for life...
Fundraise in memory of an angel...
For families like mine...
Who just as I...
Never knew there was...
A rare disease...
Running through their blood...
Fundraise for moms and dads...
Who find themselves...
In a whirlwind of grief...
As parents without a living child...
In exactly 32 days...
I want to be having...
A princess party...
For my princess Ella...
In exactly 32 days...
I will...
Celebrate the life...
Of a princess...
My princess...
And in exactly 32 days...
I know that up in the sky...
Right there upon your cloud...
You will send me sunshine...
And music...
You'll twirl for me...
Wearing your pink gown...
Pink slippers...
Your sweetest smile...
And of course, your princess tiara...
ELLA - Everyone Loves Little Angels
And you will continue to write beautiful words in her honor.