You and me...
Can you see what you inspired, Baby?
A movement...
To pay it forward....
A network ...
To show we care for sick children...
A place...
Of support for bereaved parents...
Who like me...
Lived through a kiddo being taken from them...
So tragically...
Look how far we've come, Baby...
Thousands and thousands of dollars raised...
Teddies and angels offered as comfort...
And Stuffies too...
To bring out a smile...
A smile that warms up the heart...
Just like yours did and continues to do...
Look how far we've come, Baby...
You and me...
A diagnosis...
An actual name for what happened...
To you, Baby...
And from there...
A group which united...
A world of rare families...
As we are too...
You and me...
Supported by moms, dads and friends..
Who know so well...
What a brave little girl you are...
Loved and cherished always...
By families and friends...
Who commemorate...
Your beautiful spirit...
Every day...
Look how far we've come, Baby...
One website...
Two websites...
Online support groups...
A research case about to be published...
And soon, Ella's Wish to be granted...
Look how far we've come, Baby...
You and me...
Your story generates tears...
But more importantly...
It's touching hearts...
And it also is reaching the ear...
And grabbing the attention...
Of researchers and geneticists...
Who see our vision...
Who hear our goal...
And believe in it too...
Look how far we've come, Baby...
You and me...
Can you see what you inspired, Baby?
Can you tell how wide...
Your wings are spreading?
Look how far we've come, Ella...
You and me...
ELLA - Everyone Loves Little Angels
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