Since October 2008, we've known...
Known that Ella was a zebra...
A little girl like no other...
Full of life and bright as the sun...
And though we tried our best...
We could not...
While she was alive...
Find out what was causing her illness...
And so, Ella lived...
On oxygen...
In the hospital...
For nearly 6 out of her 8 months of life...
And what a life!
Almost always a perfect smile...
Playful and loving...
Full of character...
Looking so happy...
And healthy on the outside...
You'd never think...
Her little lungs were destroyed...
But every once in a while...
There was a flash of fear...
Usually around the time...
She would start to truggle to breathe...
And so we learned to read the signs...
And manage the symptoms...
Of Ella the Zebra...
So she could live her life...
For as long as she could...
And though Ella lost the battle...
Her fight did not end...
On the contrary...
It is now stronger...
Stronger than ever...
Carried by her so large spririt...
It took a year...
To get to the elusive diagnosis...
But the one question remains...
Is this the only one...
The diagnosis that caused it all..
An with that...
the work is laid out...
For us, Ella's army...
To change the face...
Of rare diseases...
Starting with...
The one answer we have...
Called PVNH...
Ella - Everyone Loves Littles Angels
Known that Ella was a zebra...
A little girl like no other...
Full of life and bright as the sun...
And though we tried our best...
We could not...
While she was alive...
Find out what was causing her illness...
And so, Ella lived...
On oxygen...
In the hospital...
For nearly 6 out of her 8 months of life...
And what a life!
Almost always a perfect smile...
Playful and loving...
Full of character...
Looking so happy...
And healthy on the outside...
You'd never think...
Her little lungs were destroyed...
But every once in a while...
There was a flash of fear...
Usually around the time...
She would start to truggle to breathe...
And so we learned to read the signs...
And manage the symptoms...
Of Ella the Zebra...
So she could live her life...
For as long as she could...
And though Ella lost the battle...
Her fight did not end...
On the contrary...
It is now stronger...
Stronger than ever...
Carried by her so large spririt...
It took a year...
To get to the elusive diagnosis...
But the one question remains...
Is this the only one...
The diagnosis that caused it all..
An with that...
the work is laid out...
For us, Ella's army...
To change the face...
Of rare diseases...
Starting with...
The one answer we have...
Called PVNH...
Ella - Everyone Loves Littles Angels
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