Her name is baby K...
And on Saturday, it's as though she showed me the way...
At a full 18 months old...
She is almost 7 months younger than my girl...
(there goes that lucky 7 again)...
And although we started the day as strangers...
K has become a close friend...
She is the daughter...
Of a friend of Ella's uncle D...
And a daddy's girl to boot...
Sporting blond hair and blue eyes...
She could not be further apart...
From my own baby girl...
From my angel...
And that is probably why...
I was able to so openly...
And so carefully..
Without a care in the world...
Spend quite a bit of time...
Getting to know baby K...
As she sang...
And danced....
And talked...
Blew kisses...
And bubbles too...
At aunty Trish...
And at her dad...
As we spent the day...
Getting acquainted...
Baby K...
Helped me feel whole...
Her breath so calculated...
Her hands so soft...
Her smile so bright...
She is one little determined little girl...
And after a day full day...
Spent so preciously being a toddler...
Baby K fell asleep...
For the 2nd time...
As I took her out for a stroll...
Far from the noise...
Far from the crowd...
On the quiet streets...
So that I could hear her...
And just be...
Baby K...
Blessings to you Baby K...
For helping me figure out again where my heart is...
And where it belongs...
Blessings to you...
And your family...
Blessing for D & Z...
And their lovely family...
For taking such good care of me...
For their friendship...
And for helping me through tough days...
Blessings for a busy weekend...
Spent outside being carefree...
And for good cries when I needed them...
Blessing to new friendships...
And smiles...
Blessing for uncle D & R...
For being so generous...
And weaving in...
Ella's mission...
Into Baru's anniversary...
Blessings for such a lovely weekend...
Spent doing a lot of nothing...
And recharging my heart...
For yet another day...
ELLA - Everyone Loves Little Angels